ClockReportsXE Ultimate Time & Attendance Software

£250.00 inc.VAT | £208.33 ex.VAT

Feature rich Time and Attendance Software with evacuation report. Works seamlessly with our Anviz and ZKTeco range of biometric and RFID time clocks. You must have ClockReports Basic for ClockReports Ultimate to work.

Support & Set Up Services

Product Information

Advanced Windows Software for Employee Time Keeping

The most fully featured desktop Time and Attendance software on the market

ClockReports is the very latest Windows software for employee time keeping. By upgrading ClockReports Basic to Ultimate you benefit from the complete ClockReports Time & Attendance solution.

ClockReports Ultimate is the most fully featured desktop Time and Attendance software on the market! Manage your workforce and update your payroll with ease. Developed by us in the UK from a development team with over ten years experience of working with employee time keeping. ClockReports is the very latest Windows software for employee time keeping with fast initial setup and option to generate reports.

PLEASE NOTE: To own this software you must first own ClockReportsXE Basic. If you don’t already own ClockReportsXE Basic, please see our ClockReportsXE Bundle listing by clicking here.

Easy Setup

ClockReports works out of the box with virtually no setup required. Simply download the software & connect the devices! Multiple time clocks are supported, meaning you have the freedom to manage multiple locations.

You can sync your time clocks by using either USB cable, Network or by USB flash drive / hard disk (if time clock supports the feature). Server/Client install is also supported.

clockreports setup

Easy Reporting

Unlimited amount of employees can be recorded with the total hours calculated from punch times. Unlimited shift patterns simplicity shift management with the option to email time sheets.

Download the time clock data to generate attendance & shift reports, with the option for easy to read & printed excel based timesheets. Adjustable report time periods are available from 7 days, 14 days, 28 Days, 1 Month, & custom reports.

clockreports reporting settings

Auto-Sync Clocking Data

clockreports auto sync settings

Easy Management

ClockReports has a straight forward dashboard that’s easy to navigate. Manually sync devices, calculate reports (including evacuation reporting), manually clock in/out, or just have ClockReports do it all for you, automatically!

Once you have your desired settings in place, simply let ClockReports do its job. When you are ready, generate your required reports with a click of a button!

clockreports dashboard

Employee Safety

By upgrading ClockReportsXE Basic to Ultimate, you can ensure employee safety by being able to generate evacuation reports that can be instantly generated in the event of a fire or other emergency.

These reports can be printed at the click of a button from the ClockReportsXE dashboard, which will sync live employee clock records or accessed using a windows based tablet via the ClockReports Evacuation URL, so you know who is in.

ClockReportsXE Evacuation Report

Export Reports to Excel

Clockreports excel export


You must first own ClockReportsXE Basic before you can own ClockReportsXE Ultimate. This product page is for ClockReportsXE Basic users to upgrade to ClockReportsXE Ultimate. If you would like ClockReportsXE Ultimate, Idency have created a bundle of both products in order to make purchases and upgrades easy.

If you are unsure if you require the basic or ultimate version, take a look at the Features tab for a detailed features comparison table.

For 3 Year and 5 Year pricing options please contact us.

Please also note: Activation keys must be used within 30 days of purchase otherwise they will expire.

Get in touch

Software Add-ons

Setup & Support

Idency offers Set Up and Support Services covering ClockReports software in the form of 2hour remote session blocks, or in the form of an SLA. For details on an SLA, please contact us. For details on the Setup and Support package, use the product link below.

Additional Software Installations

If you would like ClockReportsXE installed in more than one location (e.g. originally installed on HR PC but want access on a server) you need an additional software activation key as ClockReports licences allow x1 install as standard.

Syncing More Than 1 Device

If you would like to synchronise more than x1 biometric device with ClockReportsXE, you need an additional product activation key as ClockReports licences have an allowance of x1 biometric device as standard.

Sync ClockReportsXE to the Cloud

Sync ClockReportsXE with Go2Clock, the next generation cloud-based Time & Attendance platform, to securely back up data with automatic syncing between the solutions for remote & on-premise management. Access clock information in real-time from anywhere in the world on any device. As long as you have an internet browser you can track using your own cloud setup. Data captured by the time clocks syncs with the Go2Clock servers (based in the UK). The records then automatically appear in your very own easy-to-use cloud dashboard.

Please arrange a FREE online demo with us where we can demonstrate how it works live.

For more information on ClockReports and compatible hardware please contact us.

Get in touch



  • Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, 8 & 10
  • Minimum Server requirement: Windows 2003 onwards, recommended RAM 4GB
  • Online internet & firewall pass through permission to activate software
  • A compatible time clocking machine
  • Optional Subscription upgrades also require online internet connection

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[Scanning fingerprints] is vital for our business, and your software makes our lives millions of times better. Blessings my friend.”


Jeweller at Joyeria Amor β€œXO” (Personalised Jewellery)

Anviz Partner of the Year 2022 award
We have worked with Idency for over 7 years. Superb service and great support with very quick response times! I wouldn’t hesitate in recommending Idency to anyone looking for Biometric Time and Attendance.”

Rod Hill

Group Operations Director

Anviz Partner of the Year 2022 award
Custom development projects have been meticulously scoped and consistently delivered within agreed timelines.”

Dean Burgess

IT Manager

Anviz Partner of the Year 2022 award