Sophos Email

Predictive cloud email security powered by artificial intelligence for defeating today’s threats with an eye on tomorrow.

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Product Information

Sophos Email Security

Smarter Email Security with Artificial Intelligence

Today’s email threats move fast and businesses need predictive email security – defeating today’s threats with an eye on tomorrow.

See the Future

The same technology as our award-winning Intercept X, the artificial intelligence built into Sophos Email sandboxing is a deep learning neural network, able to detect both known and unknown malware, as well as unwanted applications before they execute.

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Protection from Phishing Fraud

Block phishing imposters and protect employees from attacks using fraudulent email addresses that impersonate trusted contacts. A combination of SPF, DKIM, and DMARC authentication techniques and email header analysis allows you to identify and permit legitimate emails, while blocking imposters.


Detonating files in series of virtual machines, we simulate real end user environments where behaviour can be monitored, delivering you safe attachments.

Time-of-click URL protection checks email link website reputation before delivery & when clicked, blocking attacks.

Sophos Email Free Trial

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Works With Any Business Email

Secure any email service and control the domain & DNS records. Seamless integration with Microsoft Office 365, Google G Suite, on-premises Exchange 2003+, and many more email providers. Activation is completely in your control, with domain, group, and user-level policies set up in minutes.

Secure Office 365

Great collaboration needs great security. One license secures Office 365 from spam, phishing and advanced threats. You can ensure compliance with a choice of locations for email scanning and sandbox analysis, with a single, easy-to-use management console.

The Latest Threat Intelligence

Processing five million emails per day, SophosLabs global network ensures your Sophos Email gateway won’t miss any of the thousands of new threats discovered every hour. You’ll benefit from IP reputation filtering that blocks up to 90% of spam at the door whilst anti-spam & antivirus engines catch the rest.

The Sophos Email Appliance offers all-in-one control of encryption, DLP, anti-spam, and advanced threat protection. Available as dedicated hardware or virtual machine to suite your business.

Appliance Datasheet

Synchronise Your Security eith Sophos Central. Click here to find out more.

For pricing and more information on Sophos Email please contact us.

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Sophos Email on Sophos Central (Cloud Service)

  • Improved security and business continuity for Google G Suite, Microsoft Exchange and Office 365
  • Fast setup and easy integration
  • Scalable mailbox licensing
  • Business continuity with email spooling and emergency inbox
  • Choice of global data centres

Sophos Email Appliance (On-premises/virtual appliance)

  • Advanced email security and all-in-one control for encryption, DLP, anti-spam and threat protection
  • Purpose-built with simple policy wizards
  • Automated DLP and email encryption
  • Block targeted phishing attacks and malicious URLs
  • Removes unsafe attachments with sandboxing

For pricing and more information on Sophos Email please contact us. GET IN TOUCH

User Guides & Manuals

Our overall service from Idency has been great.”

Lucy Lavender

HR Manager at Cleardata UK Ltd

Anviz Partner of the Year 2022 award
I have been a customer of Idency’s for close to 6 years and they are our go-to guys for everything Time & Attendance related.”

Chris Hainey

Infrastructure & Security Manager at Millers Vanguard

Anviz Partner of the Year 2022 award
a very good solution for our Time & Attendance”

Lynn Chapman

HR Manager at Reabrook Ltd

Anviz Partner of the Year 2022 award