What’s the best Time & Attendance solution for my business?
How do you know which time & attendance solution you should go for?
We get asked these questions a lot! It’s not surprising due to a huge selection of clocking terminals available on the market today, with a vast array of functionality. In addition there is a variety of of on-premise software packages and cloud based services that can be used for payroll and reporting purposes. We will identify the best fit solution for your business.
To understand which solution will suit your business you will need to have answers for the following questions:

Employees & Shifts
What is the total number of employees that will be using the clocking devices?
What’s the maximum number of employees that will be using a single device?
What type of workers will be using the devices? (e.g. office, factory, hospitality)
Will employees be clocking in and out for their lunch breaks or just shift starts/ends?
Do you have multiple shift patterns that are varied for different employees?
Are there any nightshift employees? (e.g. employees that work beyond midnight)

Business Locations
Will your business need devices across multiple business locations?
What type of environment will the devices be installed at? (e.g office, construction?)
If multiple devices: will all of the devices be installed in similar environments?
Will the clocking devices be installed inside or outside of a building (or both)?
Do all of the business locations have power sockets for the devices?
Do all of the business locations have internet access for the terminals to connect to?

Clocking Terminals
How many clocking devices will you need in total? (Including each business location)
Which identification mode/s do you prefer? (e.g. fingerprint, facial recognition)
Is a secondary identification method required? (e.g. RFID cards/tags, PIN code)
Can the clocking devices be networked via cables or do they need wifi functionality?
Do you require mobile devices to move between locations?

Admin Reports
What employee clock information do you need to extract for payroll?
Do have a requirement to generate evacuation reports in case of emergencies?
Do you require a cloud based or local server for software access and management?
Which personnel needs admin access to the clocking data and how many in total?
What rules do you need to be able to apply to employee shifts? (E.g overtime)
If you’re unsure on any of the above, we can help you.
We will discuss your needs and come up with a time and attendance solution that saves your business time and money.
For more information on Idency time and attendance solutions please contact us.
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